Sunday, January 29, 2012

Zynga Poker – Chips Tricks


Playing thе Game οf Hold ‘Em
Yου park yourself down аt thе poker table. Yου see 8 οthеr people.
If ѕο, thеn leave.
Yουr odds greatly improve fοr winning fаѕtеr chips аt thе 5 seated accommodation tables οn Zynga’s servers. Everyone nowadays hаѕ thе same initiative аnԁ chip stacking goals уου ԁο, ѕο уου hаνе tο outfox thеm wіth skill, technique аnԁ a ƖіttƖе luck. Thіѕ pays ɡrеаt dividends, trust mе. I’ve gone frοm 10,000 poker chips tο аbουt a million іn a single day. Thеn back tο 10k a day later. Thіѕ happens thanks tο thе never-ending server list οf city names, countries, capitals аnԁ bot players using thеm. Wіth ѕο many people οn Facebook аnԁ Myspace, thеѕе mega socials sites thаt host thіѕ Zynga game mаkе chips easily available bу joining thе page аnԁ activating thе app іn уουr networking homepage, ѕtаrtѕ уου οff wіth аn average οf 2,000 chips. Thіѕ іѕ okay, bυt mοѕt οf thе time аftеr logging οn аnԁ sitting аt a table via thе server, аƖmοѕt everyone hаѕ more thаn уου.
Play thе “Turn”, nοt thе “River”
Play thе turn card, οr fourth card, іf уουr hand sucks bу thіѕ point, considering уου already hаνе three οf kind, аnԁ cards аrе consecutive, ɡеt out οf thе hand. Someone hаѕ a straight іn Zynga poker аnԁ wіƖƖ more thаn ƖіkеƖу take уουr chips. Bу betting thе river уου hаνе a 1 іn 12 chance οf scoring thе card уου need, unless іt’s a flush, bυt fοr thе mοѕt раrt јυѕt fold. In rare occurrences, іf уου hаνе a flush wіth thе first five cards mаkеѕ sure уου hаνе thе Ace іn thаt suit, аnԁ Ɩеt thе betters bet, іf уου raise tοο early people wіƖƖ ɡеt thе picture, аnԁ nοt give up anything. Thіѕ іѕ done tο Ɩеt thе aggressor bet, whіƖе уου јυѕt sit аnԁ thеn check, always call, thеn ɡеt thаt fаkе Zynga chip chip count rising.
Getting аn Advantage bу thе Dealer Chip
Thе flops іn Zynga Hold ‘Em аrе totally kiddish. I’ve seen four οf a kind aces ѕο many times. Watch fοr people thаt change thеіr seats еνеrу οthеr hand. Thеу feel bу avoiding thе dealer button аnԁ sitting down whеrе thеу won’t hаνе tο pay аftеr thеу′ve pushed thе bіɡ blind thаt thіѕ gives thеm ѕοmе sort οf clever edge іn taking thе next pot. On second thουɡht, јυѕt ignore thеѕе idiots. Mοѕt саn’t speak English anyway, ѕο cursing аt thеm won’t hеƖр. Yου′re nοt allowed tο swear іn thеrе. Truth іѕ, thеrе іѕ nο gain οr benefit bу doing thіѕ, іt’s јυѕt іt gives thе player a different batch іn thе deck аnԁ аn alternative chance οf winning thе next few hands. Never Gο “AƖƖ In” before Seeing thе Flop
Never bet οr raise extensively until уου ɡеt аn іԁеа οf whаt kind οf cards аrе going tο bе spat out bу thе blonde mute sitting center face. I’ve lost аt tables whеrе players know each οthеr аnԁ ɡο аƖƖ іn οn purpose tο ɡеt уουr chips! Thіѕ іѕ a golden rule іn staying afloat іn уουr chip count. It οnƖу works one out οf five times аnԁ thе pots уου win οnƖу double уουr bet. Thіѕ іѕ Ɩіkе mοѕt hands, unless уου beat out several people wіth shitty hands, аnԁ thаt hardly еνеr happens.
Getting a Royal Flush
Thе odds аrе very slim tο ɡеt a royal flush іn poker. On Zynga іt’s thе same. I’ve played mу 12,000th hand today аnԁ ɡοt іt. Club flush. Don’t bе picky fοr a suit, іt comes whеn іt ԁοеѕ. Hаνе fun аnԁ bе patient whеn playing thіѕ game, іt’s аƖƖ аbουt thе thrill οf winning.

Pet Society Cheats – Mystery box Tricks


There are lots of people asking about Facebook’s Game Pet society cheat/hack.But we all know that after playfish run a maintenance most of coin cheats were disabled.and they are banning people who have done cheat before. So it was like, everyone’s on a panic! They can’t buy more expensive stuffs for their pet.
Now I’ll tell you a one way of getting the item you like from mystery boxes or you can sell it for coins. You at least need two facebook accounts. If you only have one, you can ask your friend to help you with this.
1.Go to Shop and buy one mystery box
2.Then go to your home and open it, if you like the item you can click on the check mark and keep it but if you do not like it,then do not do anything. Do not click on the check mark,and don’t save. Just Press F5 or manually (Refresh pet society). After you refreshed, the Mystery box will still be in your Chest box. Now, send it to your second account as a gift.
3.Login to your second account
4.Now open the box and you will be receiving the mystery box. Now, open it. If you like the item then click on the check mark and keep it. If NOT, don’t do anything, don’t click the check mark and don’t save. Just Press F5 or manually refresh pet society. Repeat the F5 (refresh PS) process until you get what you want or until you get items which cost 3000 coins. Some item you can sell for 999 Ps coins.btw this tricks also work in mystery egg item..:D
Note: This tricks only works in the second account. If you do this to with your first , you will be just getting same item over and over
petsociety cheats 300x244 Pet Society Cheats   Mystery box Tricks
Here is the some item list,u can sell these item for 999.
Princess Pink Rug,Antique Telephone, Black Rocket Lava Lamp,Chrome Laptop, Chrome Mobile,Squitty, Floral Hat, Gold Royal Chandelier, Lion Dance Hat,Wizard Hat,Loud Speaker, Love Heart Candle, , Lucky Rug, Luxurious Armchair, Checkered Floortiles, Nuclear Rug,Love Heart Lava Lamp, Piano, Pink Fridge,Royal Dining Table, Samurai Helmet, Wizard Hat and Wonder Pants,Antique Door & Playful Fish Hat,Stainless Steel Toilet,Lion Dance Shirt. If you know more please let us know by leaving your comments.
More 999 item (Update)
heep doll, cat balloon, shopping bag deco, school locker, mud face mask, hair towel, grape mirror, ornate shelf, panda mask, bear mask, cafetiara, chrome toilet. thanks to turqouise for this list.
Now What To Do ? lol
Go and try it now if it works dont forget to give me…
and if you like this post please share this post with others.

Zynga Poker Guide – Player Tips and Tricks


As close to a mature game as you’ll find on Facebook, Zynga Poker Guide is a giant lobby for players wanting to clean up (virtually) in Texas Hold ‘Em. Make no mistake: this game features gambling with virtual money, so while you may not lose your real shirt, a losing streak can deplete your virtual chips to the point of serious status loss.
1. The primary rule of Facebook games DOES NOT apply.
In most games, you will gain success from having as many neighbors as possible. Zynga Poker is different because most of your success comes from the luck of the draw and your personal poker skills. Friends do have a power to transfer their own chips to each other, or to gift free chips to each other, but these actions should be considered secondary to good game play. Besides, if you’re good enough, you won’t need any gifts.
2. The secondary rule of Facebook games DOES NOT apply.
In most Facebook games, you gain your biggest success by doing short-term actions, augmented by long-term actions that run when you’re away from your computer. In Zynga Poker, this does not apply, because all gameplay revolves around playing poker with other players. The more hands you play, and the more you win, the higher and faster your XP goes up, though your XP is cosmetic only. This makes Zynga Poker a great game for those of you who cannot be on Facebook predictably, or simply don’t want to be on Facebook regularly. Zynga Poker Guide – Player Cheats, Tips and Tricks.
Zynga Poker is all about your gameplay skill. If you’re the greatest poker player in the universe (at least among those who play Zynga Poker guide anyway), you can solo all the way up to the top of the leaderboard. Friends are fine, but it’s every man for himself among those sitting at the same table.
3. If you’re new to poker, read the tutorial, and do some research online.
There is a HUGE number of sites out there giving advice for Texas Hold ‘Em, everything from legit gambling sites to FAQs for casino-themed videogames. The rules for Texas Hold ‘Em are consistent throughout all these avenues, so there is plenty of information out there to help you increase your skill. In the interest of not being redundant, advice on poker itself is outside the scope of this tip sheet.
Even if you’re a veteran and know the basic rules, such as that you have the order of hand ranks committed to memory, you may still want to do a little research. Getting some advice and seeing theoretical situations can only improve your skill.
facebook game zyngapoker1 Zynga Poker Guide   Player Tips and Tricks
4. Take some risks
They call it “gambling” for a reason, and when you’re playing with virtual money, you not out anything by losing it all. This isn’t to say you should be an idiot: if you sit down at a table, don’t go all-in with every chip you own when you have a 10-3 unsuited in your pocket. But because you don’t have to worry about making next month’s rent with your virtual chips, and because you have the perfect poker face since no one can actually see you, take some risks by bluffing or going all-in with a strong hand. Play smart, but remember that you can afford to play aggressively.
5. Scout your competition.
When you join a table, you don’t always sit down right away. See who’s already at the table. New players have very distinctive new-player habits: they scare easily and won’t go all-in, will bet conservatively, and are unpredictable. Also check how much money they’re playing with: players who have very little money can be forced to go all-in and can be pushed out from the table quickly if that’s what you’re wanting. If you notice you’re a wolf among sheep—or more to the point, a sheep among wolves—you might want to consider sitting down and your overall betting strategy.


For 2p or 1v1 only!

Download these files :

(if the fiddler doesnt work download these click here)

Instructions :
1. Open the file you downloaded and extract it to your desktop.
2. Open facebook(single tab only) and press crtl+shift+delete and clear all browsing data.
3. After that run the fiddler then click on the auto responder and open the the palganz hack folder and in the folder extract it all and put it on the fiddler.
after that

4. After that log in to facebook and open tetris application then after it loading click the clear cache in the fiddler

5. click on the Battle 2p or 1v1 and make sure that you will take first the line sent so that it will work perfectly :D

that all i hope nakatulong ako :D


Firefox or Chrome
Fiddler2 –

=====Hack features=====
Unlimited Energy
Unlimited Armor
Free Decor
Inventory hack (go to shop MY STUFF and active all you want)
Fiddler Setting
Click Tools > Fiddler Options > Check Capture HTTPS CONNECTs > Check Decrypt HTTPS Traffic and ignore server….
1. Open Fiddler and click Autoresponder tab.
2. Check the two boxes and drag all the files that you have just downloaded.
3. Click “SAVE” to your fiddler.
4. Clear Cache to your fiddler and to your browser.(MOST IMPORTANT)
5. Go to Tetris Battle

How to clear browser cache (shortcut key: hold ctrl+shift+delete)
Mozilla Firefox:
Click Tools > Clear Recent History > Check Cache > Press Clear Now .
Google Chrome:
Click Tools Icon (at the top right) > Click Options > Under The Hood > Clear Browser Cache .


=====Tetris Battle Sprint 4P Cheat BUG=====

How to do that ?
Here's a step by step guide for it,..

1. Enter Sprint 4P mode in Tetris Battle.
2. Start the game by pressing: "Enter" in your keyboard and then click "Shop" button after you pressed and before the countdown starts.
3. When the game started, just press "Space and space" to move the block quickly, but you need to move the block left/right first, don't just "space space and space" ^_^

Effect of the bug ?

The sprint Lines Left Bar suddenly counts down till 0 and when you drop a piece it goes faster so you can finish it in 1 sec LOL...

This GUIDE FROM : SharpKill3r

=====VIDEO GUIDE=====!

This GUIDE FROM : Chaloo91

=====Tetris Battle Cheats - Max Tuning, & MORE=====


Hack features:

•Unlimited Energy
•Unlimited Armor
•Free Decor
Fiddler Setting
Click Tools > Fiddler Options > Check Capture HTTPS CONNECTs > Check Decrypt HTTPS Traffic and ignore server .

0. Like the buttons above for the cheat to work

1. Open Fiddler and click Autoresponder tab.
2. Check the two boxes and drag all the 3 files that you have just downloaded.
3. Click “SAVE” to your fiddler.
4. Clear Cache to your fiddler and to your browser.(MOST IMPORTANT)
5. Restart Tetris Battle and have fun!! Watch the video below if unclear.

# How to clear browser cache (shortcut key: hold ctrl+shift+delete)

Mozilla Firefox:
Click Tools > Clear Recent History > Check Cache > Press Clear Now
Google Chrome:
Click Tools Icon (at the top right) > Click Options > Under The Hood > Clear Browser Cache


Maple Story Adventure Cheat v8 hack


Tools :
Features: 13 hacks
  • Never Miss
  • Auto Pickup
  • Monster VAC (you must in town)
  • Monster Never Walk
  • Fast Respawn Hack
  • Tamed Monster Hack (tamed mobs that you equip appear bigger)
  • Instant Harvest
  • God Mode (block every attack)
  • Energy Request
  • Max Damage (MAX DMG)
  • AoE Radius
  • Unlimited Range
  • Speed Hack (walk super fast)
  • Play Maplestory Adventure on Facebook (Don’t move your character yet and You must in Town)
  • Open Cheat Engine
    for firefox process -plugin-container.exe, if google chrome find working chrome.exe
  • In CE, Click Memory Viewer > Tools > Auto Assemble
  • Paste the code from wft.txt that you’ve just downloaded from link above
  • Hit Execute > Ok
Some maps that monster vac hack crashes with:
- The Hill West of Henesys I -
- Poisonous Middle Forest -
- West Street Corner of Perion I -
- West Street Corner of Perion II -
- Initial Excavation Area -
Video Tutorial:

Ninja Saga: Restore Stamina hack

Today im gonna teach you how to hack on ninja saga first thing to do is to download this files

Fiddler 2
SWF File

Steps To Follow:
  • Open Ninja Saga And Play
  • Open Fiddler ,Tick "EnableAutomatic Responses" & " Unmatched Request Passthrough"
  • Drag The File
  • Clear Cache Browser<Ctrl+Shift+Delete>
  • Then Be SUre That Your Stamina Is Not Full
  • Then Go To Shop , Buy Stamina
  • You Can Also Do Instant TP Mission
  • Enjoy!
Note : Use carefully this hack , or else you'll waste something!

Ninja Saga Instant Mission Lvl 72-74


How to use:

  • Reload Ninja Saga
  • After reloading Select Character and Click Play.
  • Open Fiddler.
  • Go to Fiddler in AutoResponder Tab and Check the two boxes below and drag the files you download above.
  • Go to >> Mission >> Battle >> Grade A Mission >> Play lvl 72 and 74 mission and finish instantly..
  • Enjoy Our Hacks...
  • Watch the tutorial Below.

Note: Alternating finish the mission don't staying on one mission.
Ex. Finish the Mission lvl 74 then go finish the mission lvl 72,,, alternate them or else it will get error.

Video Tutorial >Click Here<

Backyard Monster Ultimate Update V.2 hack


  • Instant upgrade
  • instant resources x2
  • instant build
  • instant fortify
  • instant repair
  • instant training
  • instant champ feed
  • instant monsters
  • instant unlock monster
  • starter kit low cost
  • anti-AFK
  • instant diamond wall free


  1. Open Charles
  2. Go to Backyard Monsters
  3. In Charles find > GAME > ASSETS
  4. Right click gamev.xx.xx.swf and choose MAP LOCAL (xx is random numbers)
  5. Look “Map To” , Click “Choose” , open BYM.Ultimate Hack Update V.2
  6. And Click “OK”
  7. Clear Browser Cache 2 times
  8. Reload BYM
  9. Watch the Torial if you don't Understand [ Note: This is old Video Tutorial and this is not my Own Tutorial ]
  10. Here is the link >> <<

How to Clear Cache:

  1. Open Google Chrome
  2. Look At The Upper Right Of It
  3. You'll See Wrench There
  4. Click It
  5. Click "Options"
  6. You'll See Now The Settings
  7. Look At The Left Side And "Click Under The Hood"
  8. At The Top Middle, Click "Clear Browsing Data"
  9. Check only the "Empty Cache"
  10. Then Hit "Clear Browsing Data"

Attached Files
File Type: rarBYM Ultimate Hack V.2.rar (1.90 MB, 282 views)
File Type: rarcharles_setup.rar (4.45 MB, 179 views)

Wild ones Yeti Pet Cheat


[ Note: Before you do this hack the tiger pet you can see must be "Unlock" not "Buy" or else you will get banned if you do this hack.]

1. Cheat Engine [ Link 1 ]
2. T-search [ Link ]

How to use:
1. Open Wild Ones
2. Go to pet shop and go to tiger pet [ Note: Before you do this hack the tiger pet you can see must be "Unlock" not "Buy" or else you will get banned if you do this hack.]

3. Open T-Search and choose you browser
4. Click Hex Editor 1 times.
5. Click The A-B button that appears when you click hex editor,.
Replace with :
In Find What tab put [ tiger ]
In Replace With tab put [ hippo ]
6. Then Click Replace All.

7. Click Unlock Button>>Buy. [ You must Have 7K coins to hack it ]

Correct Wrong you will get banned

8. In T-search again
Replace with :
In Find What tab put [ duck ]
In Replace With tab put [ yeti ]
9. Then Click Replace All.

10. Open Cheat Engine
11. Choose you browser
12. In Click Enable speed hack change it to [ .1 ] >> Click [ X ] button at the upper right hand corner >>> Choose the pet you like to buy..[ Dragon, Platypus, Skunk and the other pet. ].... No need membership required!
12. Every you buy 1 pet you must reload it or else you will get banned.

13. Watch the tutorial below if you don't understand it..
!!!!~Enjoy it~!!!!!

Uberstrike Cheats

With almost 800k montly active users Uberstrike is one of the most popular FPS on Facebook. With more kills you get more EXP to spend on new weapons or on customizing your ingame character.
When you look for working Uberstrike cheats you must be familiar with some facts.
  • FACT 1: Don’t do surveys to download cheats, even you see some good testemonial. Those are always a scam (for any game)
  • FACT 2: Cheat Engine is not working on online games, even if you suceed to change game values it will be only locally and will not be changed on the server
  • FACT 3: Charles web proxy is one another “great” cheat tool that doesn’t work

If common cheats (those from console era) would work for Uberstrike (or any other MMO), that would be unfair  towards those players who don’t use them. So developers have not puted any Uber Strike cheats intentionally, BUT there are some working glitches from which you can benefit greatly. For some free credits, which you can later spend on new weapons, you should carefully watch the Hot Deals and Earn Free Credits in the upper part of screen for some great deals!

This hidden room glitch must be done fast or it will not work. Get on the third floor where you can see a bird, shoot the bird and it’s eyes will switch on. After that quickly (must be done quickly or else this cheat wont work) go to the ground room and shoot on the two hanging birds, their eyes will start to light too.  At the moment you have shoot the second bird you will instatly be transported uderwater. Rotate quickly 180 degrees and you will see big black box that is actually a portal, enter in it and you will be in secret room.

This hack increases your speed in game by a few times! So it makes you hard to be shoot and you can travel over maps very fast, BUT this hack is illegal to use and players who were using it have been banned from the game. So if you want to continue playing this game, don’t use this hack!
Do you know any other cheat or glitch, please share it with us (in the comments below)

Ninja Wars Cheats

Are you someone who is completely in love with Ninja Warz and you would like to make sure that you will get to go through the game easily? Do you still need a lot more Karma in order to have your ninjas trained and in order to also buy weapons? I think that you would certainly appreciate an easier way to do all of these than just spend hours on end in front of your computer. In the following minutes you will be let in on a guide that will help you get through all of this hassle and make your ninjas the best they can be in a short period of time.
Ninja Warz Cheats

A vital aspect of the game Ninja Warz regards leveling up. Upon doing so you will receive Karma points which you can use in order to access certain relic and of course, better and more powerful weapons. So, if this is what you are looking for, then below you will find some tips to help you out with it.
I have used this cheats and I managed to get to level 40 in just 21 days. Check it out:

  1. In order to make your Ninjas more powerful and get Karmas, you need to advertise your Referral.
  2. You must use 1 ninja and battle with him until he gets a black belt.
  3. Next you should do the same with your other ninjas.
  4. If you get five ninjas to have a black belt, you will receive an award.

Two ways of getting more gold and Karma
  1. So, when you will log in, just click on the fat guy when he is radiating. The fact you see his radiance and click on it means that he has a surprise for you. After that, you only need to click on “claim reward” and you can get one, two, three, four, five, six, seven…Karma or you will get a lot of gold.
  2. If you will delve into clicking Golden Clouds, the result will be the same. Yet how do you find them? Well, you will only need to wait for them and not just any clouds, but the golden one.

To get Karma easily, just make sure you will follow the steps below:
  1. First, you have to create a random Facebook or Twitter account (I recommend Facebook)
  2. Get your referral link and sign up to Ninja Warz with your existing Facebook or Twitter account.
  3. After logging in, choose your ninja clan.
  4. Now all you need to do is login back with your first game account and you will get five extra Karmas.
Ninja Warz is a very fun game and I bet that everyone who has played it or will ever play it will be delighted to know that using such simple cheats can get them a long way in a very short timeframe. So just try them on and see the difference!